I am not sure if it is the wrinkles that bother me or if it is what they represent. I have noticed lately that when I look down at my hands or the corner of my eyes I have a feeling of anxiety, not for the wrinkles themselves but for what they represent to me. They remind me that life is short and precious. They remind me there is so much more to do and so little time to accomplish all my hope and dreams. I think that when we are young and our skin is perfect we feel immortality as if we are vampires, creatures of the night, able to live forever with perfect bodies and skin. Now when I see that my skin has started to fade I find myself in a hurry to do all the things I believed myself possible of doing. In this body that is ever changing I sometimes worry will there be enough time? I think that many women have the same worries, no matter what path you chose. I am not sure what the recipe is or even if there is one recipe, but I do know that I have spent a large part of my life worrying about the inevitable. We will grow old and we will wrinkle. As I go through my journey I become more comfortable with this process but I am so ever thankful that each year there are new techniques and solutions to slow down the inevitable.
I guess I am happy to finally realize that time is precious even if I had to see it in my hands and the corner of my eyes, but I am also grateful that there is Botox and lasers that can buy me more time. Time is all we need when it comes to accomplishments.
Michelle Heavens
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