Who would have thought that throughout these years women have been starving themselves trying to fit into -1 sizes only to find out that men are hard wired by genetic sublime thoughts that are nature generated. As "un-sexy" as it may sound, men desire women with big hips, and small waists. This is nature whispering in their ears they would be fertile ground to carry their family genes.
For the past three generations women been deriving their opinion on feminine sexiness dictated by fashion and design trends when we should really been looking for clues in men's magazines where women have curves. Even when your own man is telling you look great with the extra meat on your bones, we do not believe them! I remember once showing my boyfriend the picture of a model on a magazine and bragging about her perfect looks when he looked over and said : " She may be pretty, but she is not hot!" When I asked why, he simply said: "She's got no curves, no tits, no ass, no fun!"
It is nice to see that the trend setters in Hollywood and the Fashion World are finally starting to revert the tendency back in time to the quintessential pin up girl! The modern day pin up girl has come to stay thanks to women like Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, Eva Mendez, Salma Hayek, Anne Nichole, Charlize Johanssen, Jessica Alba, just to name a few.
We women have wasted too many years working very hard at being feminists, failing to understand the immense power of being truly feminine as well! Please don't misunderstand, I believe wholeheartedly in the feminist movement and what it has done for all of us. But I also think, that beauty along with intelligence can go twice as far!
So eat a sandwich, grab a burger and remember men love curves; do not be so hard on yourself! A size one is no longer in Vogue!
Michelle Heavens
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