Friday, August 31, 2007

Wisdom Meets Beauty!

For the last eight years I have been working with women of all shapes, backgrounds, sizes and ages! I am surrounded by them! For some, this may be considered a challenge, but I love it! My experiences with these women has helped me to grow in untold ways! I have come to realize that being a woman has its own set of rules that can be very complicating to navigate. We start young and beautiful, so unaware of our power, which will take a life time of experances to harness. And by the time you start to figure it all out, and feel great about yourself on the inside, your outside starts to fall apart. So this is why I love working in the Plastic Surgery Field. It is the one thing that can start to bring the two elements together where wisdom finally meets beauty!
I am not saying that Plastic Surgery is for everybody or that you are at that point yet, but for myself it has been a great experience. We live in a world with many mixed messages. We are supposed to be mothers, career women and hot, a basic "super woman"- that is impossible to obtain! At the same time, you hear the age old saying that men, just like fine wine, get better with age and women just age!
I meet women of all ages and the amazing thing is that Beauty does come from the inside. When you feel good about yourself and you carry yourself with confidence you are hot! But lets face it we all want to look good on the outside too no matter how enlightened we become. And although I may not be able to work on your insides which is crucial, I have learned a few tricks when it comes to holding back the inevitable.
I've been wanting to share my own experiences as well as those of the women around me, so I thought why not begin a blogg! So if you have any stories to share about growing up in this unfair world, I am all ears!


Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait!
I have poured myself a cocktail and I'm siting on the couch waiting for what's to come on this blog. I am ready for the beauty appetizers, not too sure however if I am ready for entrees and main courses! ;) Will you be posting anything on the new fillers out there? Botox, Radiesse, Juviderm, Restylane... I am so lost, there are so many to pick.... Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp Super Beauty, will you?
Now, please don't take too long or I 'll have way too many cocktails!
Thank you for the initiative, I will bookmark your blog!


Anonymous said...

You are the perfect person for this. I am looking forward to reading and blogging with you because I know you are honest, knowledgeable and most of all beautiful- from the inside out!!!! From my experience, plastic surgery is an awesome enhancer- it can totally change the way you feel about yourself, which helps with the way you deal with life and the people you love. Women definately have set expectations when it comes to aging and beauty in society. However- as you said so well, wisdom and beauty should go hand and hand! And I believe that wisdom generally comes from living- so let's end with this- the longer WE live, the more wisdom WE acquire, the more beautiful WE become...whoever say's only men are like fine wine is missing out, let's be sure to strive to age gracefully while taking the best care that we can- after all the sweetest, yummiest and most perfect banana bread I have ever made came from the oldest and ripest bananas I have ever seem- they just needed a little stuff to be added, and little stuff to be peeled away, and the finest chef to oversee it! Take this a run with it! Love- Chan

Unknown said...

I am glad that there is a place where we can intelligently discuss ways in which we can age gracefully. My two favorites are Botox and Radiesse. I feel the two together can just take years off of your face. My next curiosity is which laser can remove discolorations and acne scars? Anyone have a favorite?

Thank you- Ava:)

Unknown said...

I love Botox and Radiance myself, i'm not sure I could live without it at this point. Most people start using Botox between 30-40 which is a good idea because once a wrinkle takes hold it is hard to get rid of. Botox is simply the best way to temporary smooth out lines and minimize wrinkles. It is important to know that once you get use to the wonderful effect it has on fighting the signing of aging it is hard to stop and you will need to repeat the treatment every 6-8 months. As for Radiance, what a great produce. This produce is made out of bones and teeth, which is super creepy. The good news is it seems to last longer (1 yr. to 1 1/2 yrs) then any other produce out there today. It is used mostly for nasolabia holds, marionette line and as of late cheekbone enhancement.
When you finely get to the point where Botox and fillers are just not enough you may wont to consider lasers. And although I have only tried the Pixel Laser I had a very good experance. I had to do a few treatments before I
got to see the results I was looking for but it was worth it. What ever laser you dicide to use make sure the doctor has performed a lot of them, bad laser can make you look like a burn victim. NOT GOOD