Wednesday, June 18, 2008

America's Race Horses

Do something good today for your soul!! It only takes a minute and the horses need you for they can not speak for themselves. When you call tell them that you are calling about the National Commission to protect our Race Horsese!!!!

America's Race Horses Need Protection

Dear Michelle,

Every year, hundreds of race horses suffer career ending and even fatal injuries on race tracks across the country. The recent, high-profile deaths of Eight Belles and Barbaro put a spotlight on the high risk faced by these majestic animals, who are literally "run to death" in some cases. Take action to protect America's race horses.

Currently, only a handful of states ban the use of steroids in horse racing, but most states do not. Decisions regarding track surfaces, young horses racing while their bones are still developing, and other horse welfare concerns are made on a state-by-state basis, resulting in widely varying degrees of protection across our country.

Fortunately, Congress is considering the formation of a national commission to address these concerns and provide uniform regulation of the horse racing industry.

Please make a brief, polite phone call to your U.S. Representative, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, at (202) 225-7931 to urge support for a national commission to protect our race horses.

When you call, you will likely speak to a staff member who will pass your message along to your legislator. Remember to be polite and professional, and leave your name and address so it is clear that you are a constituent. You can say:

"Hello, my name is [your name] and I am calling from [your city] to ask Representative Wasserman Schultz to support the formation of a national commission to oversee horse racing. Thank you."

After making your call, please send a follow-up email to Congress in support of national oversight of the horse racing industry. And don't forget to tell your friends and family how they can protect horses, too.

Thank you for all you do for animals.


Mike Markarian
Executive Vice President
The Humane Society of the United States

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Face Lift

When to do a face lift is a very hard decision to make for any woman. Choosing to do them younger even more. The age old question is : When do you decide to trade lose saggy skin for scars? Even though a really good doctor hides his scars well at best you will still have to deal with at least six months to a year with some form of evidence. Because of this, some women put off having face lifts until it is too late to have any chances of looking natural. Every year that goes by we lose more fat and elasticity and these are exact things that make a face look youthfull. We have all seen the wind blown look where a woman's face looks like it has been pulled too tight and her ears are wrapped around her head. This is not always the doctor's fault, not to say that a good doctor is not worth its weight in gold when it comes to face lifts, but the older and more worn out from aging, sun damage and smoking, the harder it is to achieve fantastic results. All these things cause skin to become like paper instead of the bouncy supple skin of a 20-30 year old woman.

If you read about the way we age, after 30 is when our skin cell rejuvenation starts to slow down. And although this is a fact most women can still get away with a quick trip to the dermatologist to get a little filler, botox or peels. All these things can usually hold you off until your forties or fifties. After your forties / fifties and for the very few lucky sixties, you will see a great disconnect between your friends and family. Some will still be looking quite fabulous and others look like they have been left out in the desert for years without any sunblock.

Some people are opting for string lifts, thread lift, weekend lifts and mini lifts where the surgeron is just either cutting the excess skin away and tacking it to the ears instead of a true face lift where the surgeon reinforces and redistributes your fat to give the face a more youthfull appearance. The dead give away of these quick fix face liftsis usually bad scarring because all the weight and tension that is put upon the ears resulting in the Mr. Potato Head Look; because the ears are being dragged down and the face was not properly done. A good surgeon spends hours re-attaching and redistributing the skin to your face.
The worst part is that these face lifts only last usually one to two years and cost approximately half the price of a full face lift. Now I know that all the women that thought about getting a face lift would love to think a thread lift is a perfect solution to having no scars but these lifts have been largely discredited by sucessfull prominent doctors due to the fact that you can't control how long each string will hold and how normal of an appearance is achievable. And then, when you finally decide that a full face lift is inevitable, the strings can be hard for your surgeon to remove. Over the years Dr. Hochstein has watched these trendy quick fixes come and go but still no one has come up with a better alternative. We are all waiting for the day when a face lift will not be needed due to stem cell rejuvenation.

So what is a girl to do when fillers and creams are no longer providing the youthfull appearance we desire to see when we look on the mirror? You either go to counceling and try to find acceptance from within or you go to counceling and go find a plastic surgeon (LOL) because you may indeed need both.

Michelle Heavens