Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Michelle Heavens & Dr. Hochstein Ocean Drive Magazine

On a recent Saturday morning, Lenny Hochstein stood in a white T-shirt and maroon nylon warm-up looking through the sunlight water of his new swimming pool. "She was flat chested when she came here,' he said, deadpan, referring to the dark-blue mermaid with the large round breasts depicted in tile at the bottom. His own pectorals bulged slightly beneath his shirt, offering a hint of the auburn-haired 40-year-old doctor's muscular, compact body. Beyond the pool, past the lawn and the 38-foot red, orange, and white Top Gun TG Cigarette boat docked along the sea wall, Biscayne Bay glimmered, with the silver arch f the Julia Tuttle Causeway in the distance. That's the view from the backyard of his 11,000-square-foot mansion o the north shore of one of Miami Beach's Sunset Islands. Throughout the house, a platoon of carpenters was rushing to finish 11th-hour painting, tiling and electrical work before the April 28rh birthday bash he was hosting for his friend, club promoter and real-estate developer Michael Capponi.
"I'm planning on having a lot of parties," the soft spoken surgeon told me during a tour of the premises, accounting for the two "powder rooms" on the ground floor.

My first Steps To Fighting Aging

I had my upper lids done (Blepherplasty) at age 37. This by far is now my most favorite cosmetic procedure! As we age our eyes start to change losing that amond shape that makes us look and feel young. The makeup starts to look bad and people start to ask you if you are tierd when you just had a good night's sleep. This procedure can take away years in just 30 to 45 minutes. Most of your friends and family will never know if you can stay away for a few short weeks. Then when you reemerge you will look so refreshed people will think you sold yourself to the devil! lol Best of all if you are afraid of general anesthesia, upper lids can be done under local. To round it all off I started using Botox around my eyes and forehead. And although I did not have deep set wrinkles I learned that wrinkles are a form of scars and if let go you will not be able to get rid of them. I also started using Radiesse around my Nasolabia folds. Radiesse is made from synthetic Hydroxyapatite, very much like the primary component in bones and teeth. The product last anywhere from a year to a year and a half. It is also a good filler for cheek enhancements and cost anywhere from $ 750 - $1500 depending on the doctor. For the tightening and resurfacing of my skin I opted for thermage and dermabrasion along with the use of Renova a few times a week. Renova is not an over the counter product so you will need to see your Dermatologist for a prescription but it is well worth it. Not only does it tighten the skin but it also reduces the fine lines and wrinkles. :) Recent research has also found that there is an increase in the ablilty for your skin to produce more collagen with regular use of Renova, which is the key to a young healthy face. = )

Monday, October 22, 2007

My little bag of treats!

I few years back I had the pleasure of meeting two of the most beautiful seventy something year old ladies. Soon after this is when I started changing my life. Just looking at their faces made me realize its never to late to make a change for the better. Not only was their skin almost wrinkle free but they were both glowing. I had to ask them there beauty secrites right then and there. And what they told me was very basice,
Every day they took a few Supplements and drank plenty of of water and used retinal cream.
Anti aging Supplements
coQ10, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Essential Fatty Acids, DMAE, Magnesium, and Manganese.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Dash

The Dash
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, and maybe it will help you take life a little slower and with more meaning.In July 2006, we launched a short 3-minute movie on the Internet called The Dash. Since then, over 40 million people from around the world have watched it; and over 20,000 a day continue to watch it as a result of people passing it along.The movie has been more successful than we could have ever imagined. More importantly, however, it has inspired many, many people to reflect on their lives and ask that all important question, 'Are my priorities where they should be?'We hope you enjoy this movie and share it with those who are close to you.Click This Link to View the www.dashpoemmovie.comhttp://

Live the Life You Have Imagined

Save the Face Lipo the Body

Today more then ever both products and procedures are more effective at fighting back the signs of aging. We are increasingly more able to hold off the aging proses by taking care of ourselves before they start. It is far greater to try and prevent the signs of aging then try to cure them after they have formed. Small procedures done early will preserve and protect your youthful appearance for years to come, although I believe it is never to let to make a change for the better.

As I come closer to my forties I have had to make a few changes in the way I view my body and one of the first was my weight. I have always had very strong facial features with high cheek bones and hollow checks which looked great when I was in my twenties and early thirties but things change around age 35. One day I looked at a photo of myself and realize my face was changing and I needed to do something about it.

At this point I knew I needed to gain some weight to improve the way my face looked, but I wasn't to happy to lose my shape, my body. I remember reading a quote from some famous women were she said "its either the face or the body". Then a few weeks after that I was watching the Today Show when a woman got on and talked about getting to that last pound. She said that if you keep working out and eating right you can get rid of your stubborn fat areas. Well in my practice I see this all the time, women trying to get rid of those few remaining pounds only to look ten years older in the face. So I started thinking could I have it both?

Well off I went to gain weight and in the first few months I got a lot of compliments on how wonderful I looked. that indeed my face looked wonderful and healthier. This made me really happy but at the same time I was starting to notice this fat roll that was forming around my middle and I remember the old saying " its either the face or the body" ug. This did not make me very happy at all so I started thinking about Lipoing the new problem areas that have come up and in doing so, making my body fat even. Meaning; one part of my body should not have to suffer for the other parts to look good. So I wasted no time and set a date for my surgery. I was not ready to give up my face or my body!

I had gained weight in my inner thighs and my hips and abdomen which is very common for most women. All in all the doctor took out a litter and a half of fat which turned out to be all I needed. Now I feel that I have the best of both worlds, still a full face and a slim body.

Now my new saying is "Save the Face Lipo the Body".

Michelle Heavens

Saturday, October 20, 2007


When you consider it to be a beautiful day, it is.
When you believe that you are happy, you are.
Expect to find an answer, and you will.
Know that something is possible for you, and it surely comes about.

Your perceptions do not merely reflect an objective,
unresponsive reality over which you have no control.
Your perceptions shape the reality that you experience.
The way you see your life has a great influence on the way your life unfolds.
How are you choosing to see your life?

Your perceptions shine a light upon the world around you.
The world that you actually experience depends on how
And where you shine that light.
How do you most sincerely wish for this day, this life, this world to be?
What you choose to see is what you will cause to be.

-Author Unknown

Wrinkles and Time By Michelle Heavens

I am not sure if it is the wrinkles that bother me or if it is what they represent. I have noticed lately that when I look down at my hands or the corner of my eyes I have a feeling of anxiety, not for the wrinkles themselves but for what they represent to me. They remind me that life is short and precious. They remind me there is so much more to do and so little time to accomplish all my hope and dreams. I think that when we are young and our skin is perfect we feel immortality as if we are vampires, creatures of the night, able to live forever with perfect bodies and skin. Now when I see that my skin has started to fade I find myself in a hurry to do all the things I believed myself possible of doing. In this body that is ever changing I sometimes worry will there be enough time? I think that many women have the same worries, no matter what path you chose. I am not sure what the recipe is or even if there is one recipe, but I do know that I have spent a large part of my life worrying about the inevitable. We will grow old and we will wrinkle. As I go through my journey I become more comfortable with this process but I am so ever thankful that each year there are new techniques and solutions to slow down the inevitable.
I guess I am happy to finally realize that time is precious even if I had to see it in my hands and the corner of my eyes, but I am also grateful that there is Botox and lasers that can buy me more time. Time is all we need when it comes to accomplishments.

Michelle Heavens